Create Your Diamond Ring

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Complete Your Ring

A stunning emerald cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k yellow gold for a luxurious touch.
A yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an emerald shape.
An elegant emerald diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k yellow gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k yellow gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k yellow gold yellow gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning emerald cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k white gold for a luxurious touch.
A white gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an emerald shape.
An elegant emerald diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k white gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k white gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k white gold white gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning emerald cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k rose gold for a luxurious touch.
A rose gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an emerald shape.
An elegant emerald diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k rose gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k rose gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k rose gold rose gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning round cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k yellow gold for a luxurious touch.
A yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an round shape.
An elegant round diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k yellow gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k yellow gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k yellow gold yellow gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning round cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k white gold for a luxurious touch.
A white gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an round shape.
An elegant round diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k white gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k white gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k white gold white gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning round cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k rose gold for a luxurious touch.
A rose gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an round shape.
An elegant round diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k rose gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k rose gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k rose gold rose gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning radiant cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k yellow gold for a luxurious touch.
A yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an radiant shape.
An elegant radiant diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k yellow gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k yellow gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k yellow gold yellow gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning radiant cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k white gold for a luxurious touch.
A white gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an radiant shape.
An elegant radiant diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k white gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k white gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k white gold white gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning radiant cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k rose gold for a luxurious touch.
A rose gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an radiant shape.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k rose gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
An elegant radiant diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k rose gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k rose gold rose gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning oval cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k yellow gold for a luxurious touch.
A yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an oval shape.
An elegant oval diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k yellow gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k yellow gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k yellow gold yellow gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning oval cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k white gold for a luxurious touch.
A white gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an oval shape.
An elegant oval diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k white gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k white gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k white gold white gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning oval cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k rose gold for a luxurious touch.
A rose gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an oval shape.
An elegant oval diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k rose gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k rose gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k rose gold rose gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning marquise cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k yellow gold for a luxurious touch.
A yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an marquise shape.
An elegant marquise diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k yellow gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k yellow gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k yellow gold yellow gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning marquise cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k white gold for a luxurious touch.
A white gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an marquise shape.
An elegant marquise diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k white gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k white gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k white gold white gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning marquise cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k rose gold for a luxurious touch.
A rose gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an marquise shape.
An elegant marquise diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k rose gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k rose gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k rose gold rose gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning long cushion cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k yellow gold for a luxurious touch.
A yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an long cushion shape.
An elegant long cushion diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k yellow gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k yellow gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k yellow gold yellow gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning long cushion cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k white gold for a luxurious touch.
A white gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an long cushion shape.
An elegant long cushion diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k white gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k white gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k white gold white gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning long cushion cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k rose gold for a luxurious touch.
A rose gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an long cushion shape.
An elegant long cushion diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k rose gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k rose gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k rose gold rose gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning asscher cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k yellow gold for a luxurious touch.
A yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an asscher shape.
An elegant asscher diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k yellow gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k yellow gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k yellow gold yellow gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning asscher cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k white gold for a luxurious touch.
A white gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an asscher shape.
An elegant asscher diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k white gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k white gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k white gold white gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning asscher cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k rose gold for a luxurious touch.
A rose gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an asscher shape.
An elegant asscher diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k rose gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k rose gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k rose gold rose gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning pear cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k yellow gold for a luxurious touch.
A yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an pear shape.
An elegant pear diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k yellow gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k yellow gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k yellow gold yellow gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning pear cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k white gold for a luxurious touch.
A white gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an pear shape.
An elegant pear diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k white gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k white gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k white gold white gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning pear cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k rose gold for a luxurious touch.
A rose gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an pear shape.
An elegant pear diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k rose gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D appearance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k rose gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k rose gold rose gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning cushion cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k yellow gold for a luxurious touch.
A yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an cushion shape.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k yellow gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
An elegant cushion diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k yellow gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D apcushionance.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k yellow gold yellow gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning cushion cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k white gold for a luxurious touch.
A white gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an cushion shape.
An elegant cushion diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k white gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D apcushionance.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k white gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k white gold white gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.
A stunning cushion cut diamond engagement ring in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k rose gold for a luxurious touch.
An elegant cushion diamond engagement ring crafted in 14k rose gold, highlighted by a bubble setting for a captivating 3D apcushionance.
A rose gold engagement ring with a diamond center in a bubble setting, crafted from 14k gold and featuring an cushion shape.
A woman displays her hand featuring a 14k rose gold diamond ring in a bubble setting, capturing the ring's sparkle and sophistication.
Close-up video showcasing The Bubble Setting 14k rose gold rose gold diamond ring, highlighting its intricate bubble-inspired design, sparkling diamonds, and contemporary elegance from multiple angles.

The Bubble Setting


Regular price$1,930.00
(Setting Only)

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Discover the captivating beauty of the Bubble Band Setting, meticulously handcrafted in the renowned NYC Diamond District. This extraordinary ring showcases a unique design with big 2.3 - 2.5 mm stones gracefully descending 75% of the shank, creating a mesmerizing cascade of brilliance. Each stone is carefully set with exceptional craftsmanship, ensuring maximum sparkle and visual impact. The Bubble Band Setting exudes contemporary elegance with its playful bubble effect, making it a striking statement piece that captures attention. Embrace the allure of this exceptional ring, proudly made in the esteemed NYC Diamond District, and let its dazzling display of stones reflect your individuality and sophisticated style. It is a true symbol of exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance.

SKU: SET1019

Average Band Width: 2.5mm

Average Band Thickness: 1.8mm

Stackable: No

Diamond: Lab Grown Diamond

Total Diamond Weight: 1 Carat

Diamond Shape: Round

Average Color: D/E

Average Clarity: VS1+

Stienhardt & Stones is dedicated to bringing you a jewelry experience that brings you joy, now and forever. We offer complimentary insured shipping, providing peace of mind with shipment tracking and signature upon delivery. Our insured shipping covers any loss, damage, or theft during transit. In the rare event of such occurrences, we make every effort to recover the item(s) and, if unrecoverable, we offer a replacement of equal quality. Returns within 15 days are hassle-free and free of charge within the US, ensuring a smooth and convenient experience for our valued customers.

We take pride in our manufacturing process and stand behind it every step of the way. Our in-house production team works hard to ensure they produce the highest quality jewelry. To reflect this commitment, all jewelry sold comes with complimentary lifetime warranty. We guarantee that all items sold will be free from any defects at the time of delivery. If there should be any defects, the item will be repaired or replaced free of charge. This manufacturing warranty excludes coverage for normal wear and tear including activities and trauma, loss of diamonds or other gemstones, product loss, theft or failure to obtain the repairs required to preserve the integrity of the jewelry. Repair or service performed by a jeweler other than the original manufacturer will void the warranty.

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