Diamond Education

Learn about 4C's and basics.

Diamond Education: 4 C's & Basics

Our diamond education is the most comprehensive diamond buying guide, designed to answer all your questions. We address the4 C’s of diamonds(carat, cut, color and clarity) and beyond so you can make a prudent diamond buying decision, while maximizing your diamond’s appearance and value. Diamonds are considered the world's most precious gemstone.

They are traditionally used for engagement rings and other jewelry as a symbol of love and commitment. Buying a diamond is an important personal, financial and emotional decision. Our gemologists are experts on the subject and provide invaluable guidance so you can shop with confidence in a pressure free environment.






Diamond shape is the most visual characteristic. It is the diamond’s outline and comes in many forms such as round cut, princess cut, cushion cut, etc.


Diamond carat is its weight and reflects the diamond’s size. The larger the diamond, the rarer and more valuable it becomes. Carat is the most visible C.


Graded on a scale from D to Z, diamond color is its degree of colorlessness or tint of yellow/brown. The more colorless, the rarer and higher the value of the diamond.


Diamond carat is its weight and reflects the diamond’s size. The larger the diamond, the rarer and more valuable it becomes. Carat is the most visible C.


After mastering the essentials of the 4 C’s (cut, carat, color, and clarity) of diamonds, it's time to explore more advanced aspects to enhance your selection process. At Steinhardt, our expert guides will help you navigate the detailed anatomy of diamonds, including polish, symmetry, fluorescence, girdle, culet, table, and depth. Understanding these intricate details allows you to maximize your budget and obtain the best value. Start your journey with diamond symmetry by clicking below and discover more.

Beyond The 4 C’s


Fluorescence in diamonds is evaluated based on their appearance under ultraviolet light. This phenomenon, caused by trace minerals present during the diamond's natural or lab-formed growth, results in a blue glow. Although fluorescence does not influence the diamond's look in daylight, it can affect its market value. Hence, it's important to carefully assess fluorescence, particularly concerning the diamond's color and clarity.


Symmetry refers to the precise alignment and proportion of a diamond's facets. Diamonds with excellent symmetry often achieve high cut grades. This symmetry grade is detailed on the IGI or GIA certificate.


Diamond polish refers to the smoothness and evenness of a diamond's facets. If the surfaces are rough, uneven, or show remnants of the original rough diamond, the quality is considered lower. Polish is a crucial factor that directly influences the diamond's cut grade. Typically, diamonds with an excellent cut grade also receive an excellent polish grade.


The culet is the bottom part of the diamond and should be proportionate to the diamond's shape. It plays a crucial role in how light passes through the diamond, affecting its sparkle. If the culet is not properly proportioned, it can cause light leakage, diminishing the diamond's brilliance.


The measurements of a diamond play a crucial role in its sparkle and how effectively its facets display color and clarity. A well-proportioned diamond can appear more brilliant and visually appealing than a larger diamond with poor proportions. Proper proportions can also make the diamond look larger face-up, enhancing its overall beauty.

Growth Type

The growth type of lab-grown diamonds shapes their quality and appearance. Methods like HPHT and CVD determine how atoms arrange during crystallization, affecting clarity and color consistency. Diamonds grown under controlled conditions often boast superior brilliance and size-to-weight ratios, offering visually appealing alternatives to natural diamonds.

Buying a diamonds



Loose Lab Diamonds

Diamond Growth

Purchasing a diamond can be challenging. Our diamond buying guides are designed to offer all the necessary steps to help you make the ideal choice.

Diamond pricing can be intricate, rising exponentially with higher quality and rarity. Let us assist you in discovering the perfect diamond within your budget. As direct manufacturers, we simplify the pricing complexity for you.

Explore our extensive inventory of unique and high-quality lab-grown diamonds. Looking for something specific that we don't currently have? We offer custom cutting services to meet your needs.

All our diamonds are grown using the CVD process and are meticulously cut to achieve optimal light performance, setting industry standards for precision.


Yes, there are differences. Lab-grown diamonds are created in labs using processes like HPHT or CVD, making them more affordable and environmentally friendly compared to earth-mined diamonds, which form naturally over billions of years and are typically more expensive due to extensive mining. Despite these differences, both types are chemically and physically almost identical.

No, a diamond will not change color over time. Diamonds are highly stable and maintain their color permanently, whether they are natural or lab-grown. Proper care ensures they retain their brilliance and beauty indefinitely.

Both IGI (International Gemological Institute) and GIA (Gemological Institute of America) are reputable diamond grading organizations. GIA is often considered the gold standard due to its stringent grading standards and widespread recognition

To ensure the certification matches the stone, verify the unique laser inscription on the diamond's girdle, which corresponds to the certificate number. Additionally, match the diamond's characteristics, such as carat weight, cut, color, and clarity, with the details on the certificate. Many gemological labs also offer online verification services where you can enter the certificate number to confirm its authenticity.

We're here to help.

Our expert gemologists are here to help. We’re available seven days a week to guide you on diamonds, gemstones, and jewelry.