Verified, Certified Diamonds

We’re committed to quality and trust, and every diamond we offer is thoroughly vetted. Diamonds are “graded” based on various quality factors. The most reputable labs use the 4Cs — carat, cut, clarity and color and beyond — to grade a diamond. We only produce sustainably grown diamonds.

We only partner with reputable labs who have a global presence, decades of experience in assessing gems, and the highest standards for grading and education. Their gemologists ensure the stone’s assessment is stringent and trustworthy.


Put plainly, a gemologist at Stienhardt is a specialist in gemstones. But here, they're much more. They understand your diamond preferences and the realities of everyday life—bills, responsibilities, and all. They'll guide you in making informed decisions to maximize beauty without overspending. Your budget will yield the most stunning ring possible. Our gemologists operate without commissions, solely focused on helping you discover a ring you adore.


Connect with our experts via live chat, email, or phone, and involve them at any stage of your search. Our gemologists are deeply knowledgeable about the process and gemstones, ready to assist you no matter the level of support you require. Experience the guidance of our gemologists throughout your journey, ensuring you find exactly what you're looking for.


Share your diamond preferences and budget with our experts. Not sure yet? They'll assist you in clarifying your priorities. If you're beginning your search, simply let us know your budget and preferred diamond shape.

No. 2

They'll carefully review our selection to find 3 diamonds that meet your preferences within your price range.

No. 3

They carefully vet the one you choose (even if they didn’t find it) for flaws, sharing their thinking along the way, and how it suits your priorities. With your final stone in hand, they can advise on complementary settings for your stone..

The process isn’t done until you’re happy. Don’t like their selections? Tell them why they’re not the right fit, and our experts will search again to find the one.

We're here to help.

Our expert gemologists are here to help. We’re available seven days a week to guide you on diamonds, gemstones, and jewelry.